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Authentic Care Logo


Personal Support

We want to help you thrive. Guided by you, your family, or anyone else in your support network, we’ll work together to achieve your goals and keep track of your progress.

Community Access and Social Support

We focus on the possibilities. We help you build connections and build your community. We build you up so you can focus your time and energy on the things that matter to you most. Authentic Care staff can support you in building everyday skills to allow you to become more independent.

Domestic Cleaning

Efficiency and speed is important to get things moving. But we’ll never rush the process of getting to know you. Helping you is at the forefront of our minds so that you can do what makes you happy.

Short Term Accommodation

Short Term Accommodation for minimum of 24 hours including food and transport. If you’re in need of a short break or respite care, we will provide the ideal homely stay with all the daily living care you need. Take a break, make new friends and enjoy a change of pace.

Over Night Care

Authentic Care can provide both active and inactive over night care if required. If you or someone you care for requires ongoing assistance with overnight support (or sporadic), our staff at Authentic Care are fully skilled and trained to be there for you.

Special Pet Care

We offer the ability to include assistance with pet needs and maintenance including washing and grooming.  We come from a background of animal lovers and understand the value of having pets in your life. We offer the ability to include assistance with pet needs. This way you and your pet can stay safe, healthy and clean, most importantly together.